Training doesn't just happen during a specified session, it is occurring with every interaction that you have with your dog.PUPPY/LEVEL ONE OBEDIENCE - 6 week course
This is an introductory course for people with dogs of all ages. Everything will be taught using positive reinforcement. Lessons will cover behaviour, obedience and socialization.
There are 6, one hour lessons in this course and the cost is $260. The class size will 4-6 dogs. Tawnya Casey is the instructor. The class location is Brantwood Farms on Powerline Road. Classes will run indoors and/or outdoors depending on the season and temperature.
People in this course will learn how to communicate with their dogs using body language and training methods including luring, targeting, and shaping. All of the most common training issues in will be addressed including but not limited to puppy biting and chewing, jumping up, barking, coming when called and pulling on leash.
LEVEL TWO OBEDIENCE - 5 week course
Level two obedience will continue to teach your dog all of the skills from level one with a focus on off leash control.
* This course is often taught outdoors with real life applications - formally called Applied Obedience